LEGO Workshop January
Plan your next goals with a creative LEGO® Serious Play® session!
Bring some LEGO bricks, join on Zoom, and get ready to build your future.
Coworking with Reloopers
Coworking with Reloop - a community for independent professionals.
I started coworking in 2022 because I wanted to get things done instead of postponing and procrastinating. One of my favourite tomorrow-todo's is accounting stuff.
LEGO Workshop December
Plan your next goals with a creative LEGO® Serious Play® session!
Bring some LEGO bricks, join on Zoom, and get ready to build your future.
LEGO Workshop November
Plan your next goals with a creative LEGO® Serious Play® session!
Bring some LEGO bricks, join on Zoom, and get ready to build your future.
Melanie Lüninghöner, erfahrene Schauspielerin und systemische Coachin, teilt ihre Expertise und zeigt, wie #Stimme und Körpersprache bewusst gesteuert werden können, um authentisch und überzeugend zu kommunizieren.
Für alle, die ihre #Präsentationen verbessern möchten, lohnt sich diese Gelegenheit. Schaut vorbei und holt euch einen Vorgeschmack auf die Kunst, durch Stimme und Körpersprache eure Kommunikation zu stärken.
Do you have questions or special requests?
On my website is a selection of open workshops and events that I am hosting and facilitating.
Most of my sessions are private and bespoke, which I love doing.
If you are interested in an event for your group - drop me a short email and we can exchange more details.